Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflection Question On NIGHT

152. Why do you think Elie Wiesel wrote this book?

I think he wrote this book so people could know what the Germans did to the Jews and how they where suffering.

153. Why do you think he chose Night as its title?

I think he chose the title Night because every day they had to fight for freedom and it always was a dark place.

154. How does Elie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.

He is a different person now. When he was leaving in his house he was running around acting like a kid but when they took him he got all serious and started not caring. He sometimes thought to leave his father so he could be stronger.

155. How does Elie Finally come to terms with his ordeal? {What does he finally do?}

He is free from the camps and deaths, and he let his father behind.

156. Give examples of issues in Night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?

People are getting killed like animals. They are getting raped and burned. Baby's are getting killed. I think we should send out the Army to stop it. Instead of having them in Iraq for no reason we should have them controlling and stopping the killings. We need to stop Genocide before more baby's and people die.. Just like Korea, people are dieing there 24/7 because of rules they had like the Jews. In Korea they killed baby's. they let them be sick just like Elie's Father and they made them work just like the Germans made the Jews work and suffered. They even used people for experiments. they did that to the Jews. The Koreans where tortured just like the Jews. Lady's are getting raped and killed like the lady Jews did. They don't let the Koreans leave out the state and in Germany the didn't leave them go out no where. We need to stop Genocide all over the whole world before it gets bigger.

In Georgia they have the same problems as the Jews did. People where getting murder by Russians. People are being force to leave there homes and get on trains or in back of trucks with nothing to cover them. The Russians are doing this because they said that Georgia committed Genocides on another country. They almost have the same problems that the Jews did. There getting send in to trains and getting forced to leave there homes just like what happened to the Jews. The people who died where buried in peoples back yard.

In Colombia they kill you if you steal there oils. They say that taking there oil is worst then killing there mothers. Just because of oil other people are suffering and dieing. Just like the Jews they are forced to stay in there homes and not come out. Who ever they see they get to shot them.

Cuba genocide. In Cuba people are locked up and can not leave there country. There are being held by the president. They cant go no where like the Jews Couldn't go out. If they see you out in the streets when you are not suppose to be out there they have orders to shot anyone who is out there. These are the same things that the Jews had when the Germans where in charged.

In Burma people are dieing from genocide. 130,000 people are locked in a camp because they tyred to escape Burma. People are being tortured and raped. There is diseases all around and people are dieing of that. The Jews had the same problem with disease and camps. Children of the age 8,6,5 and 2 years old are getting killed and pregnant Lady's too. Genocide is all over the world and its almost the same thing that happened to he Jews. We need to stop it right away.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What i learned about the Holocaust is.....

  1. Around 1933 and 1945 Nazi made 20,000 camps to put prisoners in it.
  2. There was a Lot of killing during does days.
  3. that they put Jews in the camps.
  4. that a lot of men, women's and kids where getting killed everyday.
  5. that the first camp in Poland was opened December 1941 because there was a lot of Jews.
  6. they used to put some inside a room with gas to kill them.
  7. that they had like 4 chamber gas and everyday 6,000 Jews where killed.
  8. The SS management killed over three million in one camp.
  9. that Holocaust means sacrifice by fire.
  10. that every thing stated in January 1933.
  11. they would kill people who helped the Jews.
  12. In the camps the Jews where dieing of hunger and diseases.
  13. That in 1941-1944 they where sending Jews to kill centers.
  14. They made the Jews march far.
  15. They died by poison and shooting them.
  16. Almost 2 million where killed in one year.
  17. They where forced to take the body's and cremate them.
  18. the word ghetto was used to say where the Jews lived.
  19. Th3y starter using the poison gas in 1939.
  20. They hated Jews.
  21. When the Jews where taken to the chamber they told them that they had to be disinfected.
  22. The Jews that where in Hungary most of them died.
  23. they made the killing center to make it easy to kill.
  24. i learned that they made Jews cut there hair.
  25. They made the Jews do a death march.
  26. He had a dog in his Bunker.
  27. His dog name was Blondie.
  28. The word ghetto was used in 1516.
  29. The Jews population was decreasing.
  30. in 1944 thee Germans and policed kill all the Jews that where left.
  31. The Jews had to where begets to identified there self's.
  32. They got married the day before they died.
  33. They where married for 40 hours.
  34. He had a affair with his nieces.
  35. His nieces shot her self in the heart.
  36. They killed homosexual because of the way they acted.
  37. they where looking for the people who where involve.
  38. He had a sister.
  39. he had a brother.
  40. He went to jail and wrote a book.
  41. in 1933 the Jews population was 9 million.
  42. He started world war 2.
  43. Program is a Russian word.
  44. in 1941 the camps got bigger.
  45. His sister loved no matter what.
  46. The first killing center was chelmno.
  47. Hitler killed him self.
  48. His wife died first thinking Hitler was dieing two.
  49. Hitlers middle name was Elizabeth.
  50. They bomb Hitlers bunker to make sure he is dead.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Solving a problem on the Streets

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

The Dad point of view.

It was Sunday morning and we were left with a little bit of bread. If we keep feeding the children we wont have food for us husband. I know wife what can we do. I got a idea we would take the children's out to the woods and tell them that we are going to camp out and make a fire. we would make a fire and tell them we would be back they will fall a sleep and we wont be there, they wont find there way back. I don't know wife i don't want to leave them alone i don't want to do that. Then we would die giving them our food. Its give up the food or the little children. What should i do.

I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to leave them in the woods so we could have food and a better life. We left early in the morning and went far in the woods. we started a fire for them and told them we will be back. AHHHHH wife it feels good that they are gone we have food all for us not for them. I still feel bad but we need food. I fell a sleep and like the next day i heard knocks on the door. wife open the door. oh my god children where have you been i thougth we lost yous. How did they come back Hun. i don't know they know where they live.

They next day we planed the same thing but this time we where going to go dipper into the woods where they never been at. The next day we took them far and left them there with a fire and a small bread. We would be back and get you later we are going to get some more wood for the fire. don't leave. We left home and the next day we didn't hear from them. We had a lot of food and we where not hungry. we didn't have to feed the children's. 1 month past and we didn't hear from them. Then the next morning we heard knocking, it was the kids they had food and gold. How did you get it, from a old lady it was easy.

We missed yous. I cant believe they came with gold and food. I'm glad we left them there and they came back, i love them. The kids don't know that we tyred to leave them in the woods . And we are living happy and not hungry......

Friday, May 1, 2009


The Cat and the Dog

There once Was a cat walking down the alley, he came upon a wild dog looking for food. "Dear cat what are you doing walking on my alley" "I'm looking for food" 'me to my young cat". "Find me food and ill leave you walk down my alley" 'Thanks dog". The cat went looking and looking until he found a mouse, he chased him and cough him. He got back to the dog "dog i got you food" "Thank you i have one for breakfast and one for lunch, you'll be my lunch".

Don't trust what they tell you, it might be a lie.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast death's who/what would you blame & why?
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of poker Flat
-Bad luck

If i have to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths, The person that i blame for the outcasts death's is Uncle Billy. I blame him because he still the horses and half of the food. If he would off stayed with them they would off left before the storm came. When he left he should off took one horses with him so the others would leave to another place. See that's why i blame him, its his fault he didn't have to take the food and the horses, he should off stayed in the first place. Its his fault and he is the one to BLAME.... I think that he got them drunk so hey could pass out and when they did he would still the horses and leave. maybe the people of the town told Uncle Billy to do that because they gave them a brake and they wanted them dead..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an Hour
This story was a good one. She felt free because her husband that was controlling her died in a accident. I didn't like it because it was to short. i would like it to longer and to have more details. I liked it when she started saying "free, Free, free she was really happy that she wont have to deal with him. Kate in this story talked about freedom. She wanted to show her readers that ones in a time if you are getting controlled by a boyfriend one day you will be free and see the world like you never saw it. At the end her husband was still alive but she still had freedom because she died, she wont have to deal with him.

The blind Man
This story is really good i liked it but there was some stuff i didn't like about it. This story is about a man that was blind and was hungry and hot but he kept on selling led pencils so he could eat and drink something. People kept ignoring him because he was poor. They didn't care about him but when a guy that was rich got hit by two cars they all started to look at him and help him but they didn't help the blind man eat or drink something. What i didn't like about this story was that they let the old blind guy walk around being hungry and they didn't care but they did care when that rich guy got hit by a car. Kate talks about rich and poor and i agree with her. For a rich guy they do anything for them but when a regular or poor person needs help they don't help, they think they gonna get robbed.

Desirae's Baby
This story is about a baby that was left in the woods or forest, a lady found her and thougth that she was a gift of god. When she grew up she got married with this man and had a kid. The man thougth she was black and sent her away with her mom. I liked this story it was pretty good. I like how They guy found out he was black and he sent his wife with her mom. Kate talks about racism in this story. He had black slave leaving in his house. He was treating them like garbage and he didn't know that he was black too. There is still racism in life now, with whites, black, and Latinos. What i didn't like about this story was that he kick her out fast with out even checking if she was black. The other thing that i didn't like about this story was that he kicked her out with the baby, he didn't care about the baby because it was black.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment!!!

I couldn't believe it, they where young again. It was getting dark and they where getting younger. Every hour they go younger and younger. In the first hour they wanted more because they don't want wrinkles. The Second hour they started to make fun of old people like when they where old and doing they things they used to do. They didn't learn from there mistakes, They went back to the way they used to be. They started to figth over the Widow Wyclary. They where braking tables and braking vases, they even broke the water of youth. They went to the way they use to be. Mr. Medbrourme went back to being a hustler. Colonel Killigrew went to being a drunk, Mr. Gascoigen went to being a politic. And Widow went to being a loose women. They all turn like they use to be. I wont ever have the youth water in my hands never. By looking at them and how they acted i wont want to work with that......

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby The Sequal

He was surprise, he couldn't believe that he was a negro and that his mom was a negro. "She lived in Paris, she was not a slave, how can she be black". " I Am not black i am white, no letter is gonna tell me the true". He just send his wife and his baby out to her mothers house thinking she was black. He stud thinking and thinking for weeks until finally he decided to go see his dad and ask him. The next day he got to his dads house but he was not there. He went inside and saw that his dad let a letter saying " Dear son i left to Paris on a emergency ill be back soon love you and God bless you your father". "He left to Paris, Why?". " I need to talk to him". He decided to Head to Paris to talk to his dad.

He took a boat ride for hours until he reach his dads house. When he got there he saw a red car parked on the drive way. It looked like his moms old car. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door. When they opened the door it was his mom. "MOM, i thougth you where dead, dad told me you where dead". "I'm sorry son" "What happened". "We need to talk" "I am black, that's means your are black to" "I found a letter saying that mom" "I'm sorry that i lied to you" " I don't want to be black its a lie, why are you lien to me, I am white" They where talking and his mom told him that they came in and started looking for her, she said that someone told them that i was black. She had to leave for a little. He decided to be OK for being black but he didn't want no one to know. Desiree went to her mom and her mom told her that her husband dad passed by and told her everything. That his wife was black and that his son is have black, that they where looking for his wife to make her a slave so he had to go. "what, he thougth i was black and that's why he tru me out" "I'm sorry i didn't tell him" "its OK, i need to see him".

He went looking for his wife and found her in his house. He told her he was sorry and that he wanted to get back with her. He told her everything and she told them that she knows. They got married again. " Dear Diary i am so happy with my husband his just like before even better, like he knows that he is black he leave the slaves eat with us sleep down stairs and take showers, he even buys clothes for them. i love him and my new house"...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter would you do it, especially if you know the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? Use examples from the story

I would do it if i was not smart and i wanted to learn a lot just to see how it is. It wont be that bad you would experiences how it is and people would think your smart. Like him he felt good that he know stuff when they did the surgery on him. i would do it to see if i could stay smart so i could get a better job and finish school. Like him when he strated to get smart he found out that his friends where not his friends, they always made fun off him and know he knows. That's another reason why i would do it, to see if people really like me or they want to make fun off me. Even if i know its only for a few i will still do it to see how it would be to be really smart and know stuff you didn't.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 8- THE END

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explanation. Family, Age, Beauty.

This story talks about family. Not family that loves you no matter what. Is a different family. in the story the family that they are using is like a forced to be with that family. If they had a choice to leave Benjamin alone and die they would off done it. They didn't take care of him he did it him self. They didn't want to be with each other. They were forced to be with each other.

In the story age is different. When they were like the same age, Benjamin and his dad, they loved to go out but when he was older they didn't like each other. The same thing happened with him and his son. When he was older they were OK but when Benjamin was younger they didn't get a long. When ever you with some your age or like a couple of years older you get along with them. If they are really young you don't get along. You think they are to loud.

In the story they talked about Beauty. Benjamin loved his wife when he was old. she was the one who took him places and hang out. When he was young she was old people talk about them and he didn't want to be with her no more. Seines he was getting younger he was not liking his wife more and more. In the story Beauty was important to Benjamin because he was getting younger and his hormones wanted something younger not older.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give your solutions for each.

I think that his gonna leave his wife because he is getting younger every year and she is getting older. She don't want to do nothing anymore but sleep and be old. If i was him i would do the same i would leave her and i would stay in contact with her for my son.

I think that in the next chapters he is gonna find a young girl that likes to party and hang out late and that likes to get in trouble. If i was him i would do it but i would take it easy because i wont want to get in trouble like in a big mess.

I think that in the next chapters Benjamin is going to move from his house to a different place or city. He is going to be a different man and when they asked who was his parents his gonna say something different. I would do that if i was him because if i told them tat my father is Roger there gonna know something. I wont want them to know that i was old and now I'm young

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 2

Roger is so concerned with how Benjamin looks and us worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

He should be a man and tell them that he is his son. I think he should move out to like a diffrent state or a country to be a framer and nobody would see him or hear from him only his family. Then he should get close with him and do stuff that they both would like and bond. If they ask you if his your son and you have spend time with him you should say yea becasue he is good and is not his fault he was born like that. When they ask you you should say yea his my son.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in chapter 1?

If i was Roger in chapter 1 i would love him in the house but when we are in the streets i would act like if he was a friend or gram pa. Then i would cut the old man's hair or my son's hair and color his hair brown so he wont have grey hair. Then i would tell everyone that i applied to watch him for a couple of years. Then when he calls me father i would tell them that he lost his mind and he thinks I'm his dad that's why is easy to watch him... He would be a great son because he is trained but he is gonna have messed up bones and he wont be able to run fast or ride a bike. That's why i would make stuff up so they wont think his my son.

When you are up to bat!!

When you are up to bat
The world comes to a end
You feel scared and nervous
But you know you would hit it
All the people around you make you feel better
The crowed saying your name over and over
It makes you happy
The first ball comes in like a speeding bullet
You try to swing with all your might
The speeding ball was just too fast
Your hear them saying “strike”
Your stomach starts to rumble
You want to hit the ball so the one on third could come home
The second ball flies in
You swing with more force
That ball is flying over center field into the crowed
You cant believe it you made two runs
You feel good and happy
You won the game

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

It was a regular Sunday morning and i was riding my horse around the farm. My name is Booths Becker, I'm the one who is in the wall putting my jacket away to enjoy my wife's cooking with my family. In this house we do work. I have 6 family members who help in the farm. There's my two boys John and Steve. In the left i got my little girl Kaila. My wife Janice and my mom Bibi. We have lot of horses here but our baby is the white one his name is Armando or as my kids call him Buster. We have a dog who loves chasing the sheep's, his name is Pocho. His a wild dog. When i first bouth this farm it was a mess it had no windows or cabinets, but i changed that as you could see. My wife Janice did the decorating but i did the men's work. I just finished bringing some oranges to make fresh orange juice. My kids love it when i make orange juice.
My wife love giving pie to the horse she loves him a lot. I been having Buster for 3 years and he hasn't failed me. I couldn't wait for my mom to finish with bread. She puts this sauce that makes it special. My wife made some apple pie that i been dieing for. She makes the goodness pie on earth. I been waiting for that pie for weeks. My kids couldn't wait to eat with me they ate half of it. I got to the apple pie it was good but after i ate it i had to run to the washroom because it was a little bit to good. After coming out the washroom my dog went wild and tried to bite Buster. The horse went wild to. I was yelling at Pocho but he didn't listen i rand to take the kids to the rooms so they wont see. My wife was scared the horse was about to take half the room apart. Then Janice started crying becasue she had a lot of things in her head. Buster and Pocho stopped going crazy. Janice cry was getting louder and louder. My mom took her outside to talk to her, I cheked the horse and the dog they were good. Then i went to the room to get my sons and my little girl they were fine. THen like 10 to 20 minute later everything went back to normal. My wife went back to fiding the horse, My sons and my lil girl kept eating the pie, My mother kept doing bread and i was getting ready to go check out the farm.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PeT PeEvEs

  1. When they are rubbing it in your face that you lost
  2. When your playing x box and the other person don't give up the remote
  3. I hate it when they make me cut grass.
  4. i hate liers
  5. I hate it when i try my best in school but still have the same grade.
  6. I hate it when someone don't understand what you trying to say.
  7. I hate it when we are the last class to lunch and there no food.
  8. i hate it when the teachers take over the computers.
  9. i hate it when they cup check
  10. I hate it when people start yelling when I'm a sleep.
  11. I hate it when people think there big and bad.
  12. I hate it when people snore loud.
  13. I hate when people hit me with a lot of spit balls.
  14. I hate it when people tell me what to do.
  15. i hate it when your doing homework and people are listening to music.
  16. I hate it when it rains.
  17. I hate it when it snows.
  18. I hate it when i don't have a ride to places.
  19. I hate school because of some subjects.
  20. I hate it when i go to a restaurant and they make me eat something from the kids menu.
  21. I hate it when people do there hair and it smells like burn.
  22. I hate it when its cold.
  23. I hate it when people think they could sing.
  24. I hate it when math is boring.
  25. I hate it when you get a detention for being tardy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friends deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I don't know how to hold this secret, this is the deepest darkest secret he has ever told me in 6 years. I need to tell someone that he is planing on escaping with his friends. but who can i tell. The next day i decided to go by mike's house to talk to him and tired to tell him not to leave. His mom was there cooking so i decided to talk to her. " Hey Maria how you been" "OK cooking for my two men, Hows your mom? "she's OK doing the same thing you doing rigth now" "you got big and tall" "yea playing a lot of sports, have you seen your son? "yea his playing x box" "OK talk to you later".

I went up to his room to see what is he going to do later. "what up mike" "what up Miguel what you doing hear" "wanted to see how you doing, i haven't seen you in school" "Because i been busy with my friends" "what you mean you been dishing school" "yea" "dude your going in a bad path, stop doing this your gonna regret it" "whatever get out" "bye". I cant believe his acting like this to me i been his friend for 6 years and his doing this, i never thougth he would be like this never in my life. i need to tell someone and fast before he makes a mistake but who. I went to my house and my mom was sitting down eating. I was thinking on telling her so she could tell me what to do.

"Hey mom i have to tell you something but you cant tell no one OK" "OK what is it" "Mike wants to escape with his friends, his going in bad steps and i don't know what to do." "tell his mom" "Then he ain't gonna want to talk to me" 'and but he would be safe" "i don't know thanks" "you welcome". I'm gonna think about telling his mom, he migth not want to talk to me but is for his own good. I don't want him dead or arrested. I am gonna tell her tomorrow before hi=e does what his going to do. The next day i worked up and Mike's mom was sitting in the sofa. In my head i was thinking that he left. "what happened mom" "nothing i told Maria" "what she said" "nothing she was crying a lot" "wheres Mike' "mad in his room" "I'm going over" "k".

I got to Mike's house and he was locked in his room. I opened the door and he was there mad and yelling at me to go out. "Mike let me talk to you" "No get out you don't know how to keep secrets what a good friend you are. i thought you were my friend" " i am you don't under stand i care about you we been friend for 6 years, i don't want you to be dead or get killed by people who you think is your friend, i don't want you to end up like our old friends, this is what friends do they want you to be in good steps OK I'm one of your friends and i don't what you to follow does guys that say that they are your friends because they are not they just want you there so you could do stuff for them OK"

I told all this to him and he kicked me out of his house. I wanted him to understand me but i guess he wants a bad life. weeks and weeks passed and i haven't talked to Mike. 3 months passed and i got a phone call from Mike telling me to come over his house he wants to talk to me about what happened. When i got to his house he opened the door and we started talking he told me that he was sorry that he knows that i wanted him to have a good furter not a bad one. He said that what i told him made him think and that he does not want to end up like our old friends dead or in jail he wants a a good live with his family. He said that if i didn't tell his mom he would off been gone far away. I am glad i told my mom and she told Mike's mom because he would not been hear and his family would off suffered a lot. He knows i told for a good reason.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death!!!!

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. It was Monday morning and I was ready to go out. On my way to the Unit I got a call from sheriff Smith, “what happened boss”, “We have a call of a young lady that has been missing for weeks and we want you on the case”. I didn’t want to say yea but I had to. I meet up with detective Wilson to see what was going on. We went up to the young ladies house to see there parents and ask questions.

Ms. Raices what happened with your daughter” “ I don’t know we had a fight and she never came back”. “what was the fight about? “she wanted to go to this party and I told her no and she went to her room, then I went to check up on her and she was gone. I was waiting for her to come back but she didn’t show up”. “why didn’t you call the police as soon as she disappeared? “ I thought she was scared to come back because she left with out permission”. “what was her name? “Christina Raices”. “don’t worry miss ill find her”. “Thank you detective Rivera”. No problem I just have one more questioned”. “Yea what is it” “Where was the party at? I think it was 2321 Sunflower road. Thank you.

My case has begun, why did she just leave, was she scared to really go home or was she taken from the party, or did she even make it to the party?. When I got to the place I knocked on the door and some girl opened. “yea”, “hello I am detective Rivera and I would like to ask you some questioned”, “ok”, “do you know your friend Christina is missing”, “no are you for real”, “yea she has been missing for 1 week, I would to know if she came to the party last week? “no she called me and told me that she was not going to come that she was going out with Jesus” “who is Jesus” “her boyfriend” “how old was he” “her age 18” what king of car did he have” “I think t was a Honda Si white with a black hood, the hatch was black and he had black rims, I think he had tints” “ok thank you for cooperation.

I went back to the highway, I was passing Lockport and I saw tire marks and a white front bumper on the floor. I pulled over to check it out. I walked up to the scene and there was tire tracks going down and down, I called for back up and went down. There was a black truck slammed to a tree and in front of that truck there was a white Honda. Everything the girl said was the same match as the car. I looked inside and there was Christina’s boyfriend but she was not next to him. The back up got there and they checked the boy while I was looking at the truck. The truck had no plates no finger marks no nothing. Then I started thinking “was she getting chase by this person” “did this person take her” I stud sitting down thinking and thinking. Detective Wilson came in and told me that the young boy is dead. “Wilson I want you to sent a look out group and a k9 group to search the park” “ok detective Rivera”.

I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about this girl, if she was still alive. I fell a sleep and like ten minutes later the phone rang, it was detective Wilson. “we found something come and check it out detective” “ok ill be right there”. I got to the scene and there was a jacket, I checked it and it had her phone inside of it. The phone was on and it had the camera on. I checked every picture but none helped so I decided to check the videos. While I was checking the video there was this video that looked weird so I clicked on it. It showed her driving fast with Jesus and the truck in the back, the truck rammed them in the back and the car, then it showed a man coming to the car and she was screaming and the phone stopped. I was shocked, why did he want her. We had some clues to finding her. I took the phone to the lab and grabbed a photo on the suspect but u couldn’t see it good.

We continued looking for her thru the woods but no signs, she was gone. No body new what she was wearing or how she looked. 2 weeks later they called that they had a witness. I went to the witness house and I asked her questions. She said she had a black shirt and a white pants. The guy she said looked Latin and had a blue jump suet. They had a truck, it was brown they were heading south on Bolingbrook. We had cops all over the place and road blocks. While the road blocks were going on I stopped a brown pick up truck and asked him to give me his license. He told me he didn’t have one, so I made him get out the car and there was some blood stain in the back car so I put him in handcuffs and checked the car. There was a black shirt in the car and blood. I asked him if he new Christina and he said yea and he said that he loved her but she didn’t want to be with him.

The other Units got there and where asking the boy questions. He didn’t want to say what his name was he just stud saying that he loved her and she didn’t love him. We did some dna test on the blood that we found in the truck and it was Christina’s blood. We kept asking him questions and he didn’t answer. So we just looked him up for the night. When I went home I called Christina’s mom and told her everything. She started to cry because I told her what we found and she knew that her daughter may be dead. The next day we went to the cell to get the boy. We found out that his name was Cruz and that he went to Christina’s school. When we went to go to see Cruz he hanged him self with his shoe laze. He left a note saying “ I am sorry for killing Christina I wanted her to love me only not no one else, I killed her because I didn’t want her to go out with no more guys, she was so pretty she deserved me and only me. I killed my self to be with her so we could be happy and we wont worry about her loving some one else.

I was shocked, I didn’t want the girl to be dead but he told us. I called her mom and told her everything, she started to cry and cry. She said that if we found the body and I said no the man killed him self and we have no information on where he put it at but we are still looking for her body. Weeks and weeks passed and no sign of her body. We looked all over Cruz house and places that were close to his house. Were could it be. Months later we found Christina’s body in a beach under a old brige with a lot of hearts around her.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

HoW To MaKe LoGaNdAlE BeTtEr

What I think that would make Logandale a better school is a lot of other cool things. They should put vending machines in the lunch room. They could get better food. they could let us go outside for gym when its hot or nice outside. Don’t you want to come here already???

They should put vending machines in the lunch room. What 8th grade school has vending machines, none. We can be the first, It would attract more students if you could eat snacks. It would show that the school has style. This would be the greatest school.

They could cook better food and give us better drinks. A lot of students love going to lunch and having a good meal. It would make more kids come to school. Kids would pay for more food because its good. Don’t you want to make good food and have your students love it.

They could leave us go outside for gym when its nice and hot. Students love going outside and playing sports. It would show that the school cares about there students. They parents would love all the ideas. It would give them exercise and they would be healthy in life.

In conclusion I think this would make the school better. Putting vending machines. cooking better food. leaving us going outside for gym when its nice. Once they do this we would have more Students. There would be moms and dads trying to put there kids in because it would be a change. They would like the school and would want to go everyday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

What do I wish from Barack Obama?

What I want from Obama is to the End the Iraq War. They are fighting for a war that George W. Bush started to still oil. These men and women’s have family at home, they need to go back home and take care of them. It would be sad if they don’t make it home and there son or daughter grow up with out a mother or father. I read this story “it’s a true story” about this man that went to the war for 4 years and he had 3 daughters of 6,4,4. When he got back his daughters didn’t know who he was. That is really sad.
I have a cousin that is in the army. His been there for 4 years. He comes every year for Christmas to spend it with his family. When he comes he started talking about how they are fighting and how he saw his friend get his leg cut off by a bomb. That is crazy I don’t know how he could still go over there after all his been thru. They taught him how to fly a jet and how to work the guns. I think that is cool but is not worth being there for George W Bush.
I think that we should sent our troops home. They need to be with there kids and family. They are going to feel the pain when they leave for years and come back and there own kids that she or he saw when he left big and not knowing who they are. We should make George W Bush go fight and be away for years from his family so he could see what he stated and how our troops are fighting and killing there self’s for what he started. I think we should stated planning a plan to end the Iraq War. If we leave them alone they will leave us alone. SEND OUR TROOPS HOME!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event!!!!

The day my little brother was born changed my life. I was the only boy with 4 sister. I always had to do everything and i couldn't talk back to them. It was always boring, i had nothing to do. You need a brother or boy cousin to play sports but i had none of that. I only had my dad and he was always working and my gram pa. My gram pa cant do anything because he had surgery. i would always try to keep my self not bored so i would walk around, ride my bike but it didn't work.
Me and my cousin Niko always use to hang out but when he got a lady he always stood with her. Ill tell him lets go out to the races but he always says yea then he calls back and tells me that his lady wants to chill with him. Then one day my dad called me to the room and he told me I'm gonna have a little brother. i got so happy i yelled and went up stairs to tell my sisters. i couldn't believe it i was so happy. I was waiting for 13 years to have a little brother and it finally happened.
Every month i was waiting and waiting. for nine months i was waiting for my little brother to be born. My step mom started getting pain so we took her to the hospital. I was hoping that my little brother was OK. when the doctor told us that she was having the baby i got happy. 2 hours passed and then came my dad. He said we got are little man and i was happy. When i went to go see him he was sleeping. I gave him a kiss and left home. My little brother was born August 9, 2008 at 6:01 p.m his name is Miguel Armando Rivera.
I am very happy that my little brother was born. He is now 6 months about to be 7. He is always happy and laughing. Thanks to him my life changed. Now we are moving to Puerto Rico so we could start a new and better life with my little brother Miguelito..... If it wasn't for him i would be stuck at my house bored all day long looking for something to do but now his born and when he grows up I'm gonna teach him how to play baseball and the other things that i know.
I want to be a roll model to my little brother. Every time i come from school i go up to him and say whats up fat boy and he would started laughing. I'm still trying to learn how to change his diaper. i don't like doing that because is nasty i could only change the pi pi diaper lol. I love my little brother he means the world to me. I cant wait till his big so he could start walking and running. I hope he comes out loving cars like i do. Thanks to him he changed my life, not in a bad way in a really good way..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers!!!!

I agreed that parents are the best teachers for many reason. Your dad could teach you about cars. Your mom could teach you about cooking and cleaning. They could teach you about marriage and life. Do you want to learn the cool stuff your dad and mom know?
Your dad could teach you about cars. If your car brakes down you will know what to do. You’ll learn how to change your brakes. You will learn about engines and what point is it. Dealers will pay you to paint there cars and fix them.
Your mom could teach you about cooking and cleaning. You could cook for her when she is tired and stressed out. when you have a wife you could cook for her. when ever you are hungry you could eat a good meal. Whenever is valentines you could make a dinner for your girl.
Your parents could teach you about marriage and life. They could talk to you about not to get married young. Your dad could talk to you about gangs. Not to hang with the wrong people. they could teach you about stuff that is hard in life like working to get a car. Life wont be that hard thanks to your parents.
In conclusion these are the three reason why parents are the best teachers. Your dad could teach you about cars. Your mom could teach you about cooking. They could teach you about life and marriage and how life is hard.For me I think that the parents are a good teacher because teachers give you good advices like your parents do. They teach you about stuff that other teachers don’t know.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A skill everyone needs!!!!!

One skill a person should learn is math. This is why we need math to be successful. When you apply to a school you need to take a math test. If you have a job at a store you will need math to count the money and give the exact change back. When you are shopping and you only have 50 dollars you will need math to add the clothes before you play. If you don’t know how to use math you need to learn. Everyone needs math.
Imagine you don’t know math and you apply for a good school and you failed the test your not going to get in. you are going to go to a bad collage or you might not go to collage. If you don’t go to collage you are not going to have a education or a really good job that gives you enough money to pay the rent. This is why we need math to have a education and a good job.
Imagine you working at a store and you don't know math and you give a person more money then you needed to and the boss checks that money is missing your going to get fired or arrested. People are going to be looking at you and asking why you got arrested and there going to tell them because he or she don't know math. This is why we need math so we wont get arrested for you giving people more change.
When ever you are shopping and you don't know math and you go pay with out counting if you have enough money to buy it because you only have a $50 and they tell you is more then that. You are going to feel embarrass because you are going to have to leave something go. People are going to be looking at you saying they don't know math. This is why we need math so people wont say you don’t know math and you wont feel embarrass.
That’s why i think that everyone needs a skill of math to be successful in the world because you will always need math no matter were you are in school, house, store or your job. Math is easy you could learn by your parents or school telling you how to do it. If you know math you wont make this mistakes and you have a education. You won’t work at a store. You would have money to shop. This is why we need math to be successful in the world.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The best day i ever had was when i went to sixs flags for the first time i was 13. I went with my four sisters, my mom, my two brother in laws and my friend. I was so happy that i was going to sixs flags, i didn't sleep the whole night. when i finally fell a sleep it was 2:00 am in the morning. i woked up four hours later and still tired. it was 6:00 am and they where all getting ready to go. We where done at 7:30 am. When we left the house we stopped at Tony's to get ice and a little bit of food so we could eat when we get hungry. After that we went to the gas station to get gas before we get on the highway. it took us like 45 minutes to get to sixs flag. When we were about to get out the highway i saw a big roller coaster. My sisters told me that is the eagle, i was amazed. we had two cars full of people. when we got to the parking lot the other car was still paying so we went to get parking so we could park next to each other. There was no parking close so we had to go back to the 60. 60 was the last parking spot to the back so we found parking. we waited for the other car to come. when they got there we had water and started walking to the front. As soon as i walked in i saw the blue water and the flowers, it was really nice. the first ride that i got in was the wizard. that one was OK. the second one i got on was the viper. that one was a good ride, i wanted to get on it gen but we had to get on other ones. the other one i got on was the raging bull. That one looked a little scary. we stood in line to get on the front roll. when we were about to get on my mom was telling me not to but i wanted to. When the ride started i was nervous. the beginning was OK. we where hitting the big drop and we where on the front roll. i was in with my two brothers in law and my friend. when we went down on the big drop i put my hands in the air and yelled. After the drop it went true a tonell, i taught my hands were going to get cut of lol. that one was the best ride we came out with our eyes crying because of the wind hitting our eyes. we got in a lot more. At the end when we were walking to the car they asked me what ride i liked more and i told them the raging bull that one was the best. i told them when ever we come back i want to get on it like 20 times. they all started laughing. after we left the parking lot we went to eat stuffed pizza at this place down the street from sixs flags. After that we went home and started planing another day to go to sixs flags.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Haiku

This is the nature
of a wild tornado Storm
that happened before

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her smile

When i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something. She had a half smile but a worried face. when i went up to her she got nearvous. i told her what was wrong but she didn't want to say, so i left. she came with three other guys that i didn't invite to my party. later that nigth i saw that the guys were up stairs in my house. i looked at the girl smile and it looked like if she was up to something. i saw that the guys went up at 11:30, i stud waiting for 30 minutes and they still didn't come down so i decided to go up. the girl i knew so i tried to talk to her. "Hey Melissa how you doing" i told her. She didn't want to talk she just smile. it was 12: 30 and i called some of my guys that were in the back. "Carlos, mike and tom come hear". i told them that there some guys up stairs to come with me to see what was going on. when we where walking the girl gave me that smile and i stud looking at it. it was like if she hypnotise me but i didn't listen. we went up and half of ma stuff from my room was gone. the guys tired to run but we rand faster then them because we play baseball. we got the three guys and called the police, they came like 30 min later so we had to stay with them. when the cops came they took the three guys and gave me my stuff back. the girl escape so the cops went looking for her. a week later the cop said that they got some girls so i could see which one of the girl it was. i went down to the cop station and when i got there i saw this girl and when she smile i knew it was her, i couldn't forget that smile it was a nice but a sneaki smile.

25 things i want to do in my life

  1. i want to buy a car.
  2. i want to jump out a plane.
  3. i want to go to China.
  4. i want to become a baseball player.
  5. i want to have money.
  6. write a book
  7. take a long driving trip.
  8. see my family in Puerto Rico.
  9. see all 50 states.
  10. figth a monkey.
  11. go to the moon.
  12. learn how to talk Chinese
  13. meet J-lo
  14. have kids.
  15. get married
  16. get a job
  17. have my mom proud of me.
  18. help my dad and mom out.
  19. be a ninja for a day
  20. live till i be a 100
  21. get a tatto
  22. go see the wall of China
  23. go to collage
  24. have 3 kids
  25. do all this things!!!!!