Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What i learned about the Holocaust is.....

  1. Around 1933 and 1945 Nazi made 20,000 camps to put prisoners in it.
  2. There was a Lot of killing during does days.
  3. that they put Jews in the camps.
  4. that a lot of men, women's and kids where getting killed everyday.
  5. that the first camp in Poland was opened December 1941 because there was a lot of Jews.
  6. they used to put some inside a room with gas to kill them.
  7. that they had like 4 chamber gas and everyday 6,000 Jews where killed.
  8. The SS management killed over three million in one camp.
  9. that Holocaust means sacrifice by fire.
  10. that every thing stated in January 1933.
  11. they would kill people who helped the Jews.
  12. In the camps the Jews where dieing of hunger and diseases.
  13. That in 1941-1944 they where sending Jews to kill centers.
  14. They made the Jews march far.
  15. They died by poison and shooting them.
  16. Almost 2 million where killed in one year.
  17. They where forced to take the body's and cremate them.
  18. the word ghetto was used to say where the Jews lived.
  19. Th3y starter using the poison gas in 1939.
  20. They hated Jews.
  21. When the Jews where taken to the chamber they told them that they had to be disinfected.
  22. The Jews that where in Hungary most of them died.
  23. they made the killing center to make it easy to kill.
  24. i learned that they made Jews cut there hair.
  25. They made the Jews do a death march.
  26. He had a dog in his Bunker.
  27. His dog name was Blondie.
  28. The word ghetto was used in 1516.
  29. The Jews population was decreasing.
  30. in 1944 thee Germans and policed kill all the Jews that where left.
  31. The Jews had to where begets to identified there self's.
  32. They got married the day before they died.
  33. They where married for 40 hours.
  34. He had a affair with his nieces.
  35. His nieces shot her self in the heart.
  36. They killed homosexual because of the way they acted.
  37. they where looking for the people who where involve.
  38. He had a sister.
  39. he had a brother.
  40. He went to jail and wrote a book.
  41. in 1933 the Jews population was 9 million.
  42. He started world war 2.
  43. Program is a Russian word.
  44. in 1941 the camps got bigger.
  45. His sister loved no matter what.
  46. The first killing center was chelmno.
  47. Hitler killed him self.
  48. His wife died first thinking Hitler was dieing two.
  49. Hitlers middle name was Elizabeth.
  50. They bomb Hitlers bunker to make sure he is dead.

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