Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death!!!!

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. It was Monday morning and I was ready to go out. On my way to the Unit I got a call from sheriff Smith, “what happened boss”, “We have a call of a young lady that has been missing for weeks and we want you on the case”. I didn’t want to say yea but I had to. I meet up with detective Wilson to see what was going on. We went up to the young ladies house to see there parents and ask questions.

Ms. Raices what happened with your daughter” “ I don’t know we had a fight and she never came back”. “what was the fight about? “she wanted to go to this party and I told her no and she went to her room, then I went to check up on her and she was gone. I was waiting for her to come back but she didn’t show up”. “why didn’t you call the police as soon as she disappeared? “ I thought she was scared to come back because she left with out permission”. “what was her name? “Christina Raices”. “don’t worry miss ill find her”. “Thank you detective Rivera”. No problem I just have one more questioned”. “Yea what is it” “Where was the party at? I think it was 2321 Sunflower road. Thank you.

My case has begun, why did she just leave, was she scared to really go home or was she taken from the party, or did she even make it to the party?. When I got to the place I knocked on the door and some girl opened. “yea”, “hello I am detective Rivera and I would like to ask you some questioned”, “ok”, “do you know your friend Christina is missing”, “no are you for real”, “yea she has been missing for 1 week, I would to know if she came to the party last week? “no she called me and told me that she was not going to come that she was going out with Jesus” “who is Jesus” “her boyfriend” “how old was he” “her age 18” what king of car did he have” “I think t was a Honda Si white with a black hood, the hatch was black and he had black rims, I think he had tints” “ok thank you for cooperation.

I went back to the highway, I was passing Lockport and I saw tire marks and a white front bumper on the floor. I pulled over to check it out. I walked up to the scene and there was tire tracks going down and down, I called for back up and went down. There was a black truck slammed to a tree and in front of that truck there was a white Honda. Everything the girl said was the same match as the car. I looked inside and there was Christina’s boyfriend but she was not next to him. The back up got there and they checked the boy while I was looking at the truck. The truck had no plates no finger marks no nothing. Then I started thinking “was she getting chase by this person” “did this person take her” I stud sitting down thinking and thinking. Detective Wilson came in and told me that the young boy is dead. “Wilson I want you to sent a look out group and a k9 group to search the park” “ok detective Rivera”.

I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about this girl, if she was still alive. I fell a sleep and like ten minutes later the phone rang, it was detective Wilson. “we found something come and check it out detective” “ok ill be right there”. I got to the scene and there was a jacket, I checked it and it had her phone inside of it. The phone was on and it had the camera on. I checked every picture but none helped so I decided to check the videos. While I was checking the video there was this video that looked weird so I clicked on it. It showed her driving fast with Jesus and the truck in the back, the truck rammed them in the back and the car, then it showed a man coming to the car and she was screaming and the phone stopped. I was shocked, why did he want her. We had some clues to finding her. I took the phone to the lab and grabbed a photo on the suspect but u couldn’t see it good.

We continued looking for her thru the woods but no signs, she was gone. No body new what she was wearing or how she looked. 2 weeks later they called that they had a witness. I went to the witness house and I asked her questions. She said she had a black shirt and a white pants. The guy she said looked Latin and had a blue jump suet. They had a truck, it was brown they were heading south on Bolingbrook. We had cops all over the place and road blocks. While the road blocks were going on I stopped a brown pick up truck and asked him to give me his license. He told me he didn’t have one, so I made him get out the car and there was some blood stain in the back car so I put him in handcuffs and checked the car. There was a black shirt in the car and blood. I asked him if he new Christina and he said yea and he said that he loved her but she didn’t want to be with him.

The other Units got there and where asking the boy questions. He didn’t want to say what his name was he just stud saying that he loved her and she didn’t love him. We did some dna test on the blood that we found in the truck and it was Christina’s blood. We kept asking him questions and he didn’t answer. So we just looked him up for the night. When I went home I called Christina’s mom and told her everything. She started to cry because I told her what we found and she knew that her daughter may be dead. The next day we went to the cell to get the boy. We found out that his name was Cruz and that he went to Christina’s school. When we went to go to see Cruz he hanged him self with his shoe laze. He left a note saying “ I am sorry for killing Christina I wanted her to love me only not no one else, I killed her because I didn’t want her to go out with no more guys, she was so pretty she deserved me and only me. I killed my self to be with her so we could be happy and we wont worry about her loving some one else.

I was shocked, I didn’t want the girl to be dead but he told us. I called her mom and told her everything, she started to cry and cry. She said that if we found the body and I said no the man killed him self and we have no information on where he put it at but we are still looking for her body. Weeks and weeks passed and no sign of her body. We looked all over Cruz house and places that were close to his house. Were could it be. Months later we found Christina’s body in a beach under a old brige with a lot of hearts around her.

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