Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

It was a regular Sunday morning and i was riding my horse around the farm. My name is Booths Becker, I'm the one who is in the wall putting my jacket away to enjoy my wife's cooking with my family. In this house we do work. I have 6 family members who help in the farm. There's my two boys John and Steve. In the left i got my little girl Kaila. My wife Janice and my mom Bibi. We have lot of horses here but our baby is the white one his name is Armando or as my kids call him Buster. We have a dog who loves chasing the sheep's, his name is Pocho. His a wild dog. When i first bouth this farm it was a mess it had no windows or cabinets, but i changed that as you could see. My wife Janice did the decorating but i did the men's work. I just finished bringing some oranges to make fresh orange juice. My kids love it when i make orange juice.
My wife love giving pie to the horse she loves him a lot. I been having Buster for 3 years and he hasn't failed me. I couldn't wait for my mom to finish with bread. She puts this sauce that makes it special. My wife made some apple pie that i been dieing for. She makes the goodness pie on earth. I been waiting for that pie for weeks. My kids couldn't wait to eat with me they ate half of it. I got to the apple pie it was good but after i ate it i had to run to the washroom because it was a little bit to good. After coming out the washroom my dog went wild and tried to bite Buster. The horse went wild to. I was yelling at Pocho but he didn't listen i rand to take the kids to the rooms so they wont see. My wife was scared the horse was about to take half the room apart. Then Janice started crying becasue she had a lot of things in her head. Buster and Pocho stopped going crazy. Janice cry was getting louder and louder. My mom took her outside to talk to her, I cheked the horse and the dog they were good. Then i went to the room to get my sons and my little girl they were fine. THen like 10 to 20 minute later everything went back to normal. My wife went back to fiding the horse, My sons and my lil girl kept eating the pie, My mother kept doing bread and i was getting ready to go check out the farm.


  1. good story i liked it but maybe like one or two spelling errors

  2. Nice story but check your spelling

  3. Nice story but check your spelling

  4. i like it but why you got to call me buster lol your should change that then your story would be great

  5. I lke how you talked about details but there are some minor spelling errors


  6. its was a very nice story. i liked how you got into details. but you do have a few spelling errors, check on that and your story will be GREAT... =]
