Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an Hour
This story was a good one. She felt free because her husband that was controlling her died in a accident. I didn't like it because it was to short. i would like it to longer and to have more details. I liked it when she started saying "free, Free, free she was really happy that she wont have to deal with him. Kate in this story talked about freedom. She wanted to show her readers that ones in a time if you are getting controlled by a boyfriend one day you will be free and see the world like you never saw it. At the end her husband was still alive but she still had freedom because she died, she wont have to deal with him.

The blind Man
This story is really good i liked it but there was some stuff i didn't like about it. This story is about a man that was blind and was hungry and hot but he kept on selling led pencils so he could eat and drink something. People kept ignoring him because he was poor. They didn't care about him but when a guy that was rich got hit by two cars they all started to look at him and help him but they didn't help the blind man eat or drink something. What i didn't like about this story was that they let the old blind guy walk around being hungry and they didn't care but they did care when that rich guy got hit by a car. Kate talks about rich and poor and i agree with her. For a rich guy they do anything for them but when a regular or poor person needs help they don't help, they think they gonna get robbed.

Desirae's Baby
This story is about a baby that was left in the woods or forest, a lady found her and thougth that she was a gift of god. When she grew up she got married with this man and had a kid. The man thougth she was black and sent her away with her mom. I liked this story it was pretty good. I like how They guy found out he was black and he sent his wife with her mom. Kate talks about racism in this story. He had black slave leaving in his house. He was treating them like garbage and he didn't know that he was black too. There is still racism in life now, with whites, black, and Latinos. What i didn't like about this story was that he kick her out fast with out even checking if she was black. The other thing that i didn't like about this story was that he kicked her out with the baby, he didn't care about the baby because it was black.

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