Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast death's who/what would you blame & why?
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of poker Flat
-Bad luck

If i have to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths, The person that i blame for the outcasts death's is Uncle Billy. I blame him because he still the horses and half of the food. If he would off stayed with them they would off left before the storm came. When he left he should off took one horses with him so the others would leave to another place. See that's why i blame him, its his fault he didn't have to take the food and the horses, he should off stayed in the first place. Its his fault and he is the one to BLAME.... I think that he got them drunk so hey could pass out and when they did he would still the horses and leave. maybe the people of the town told Uncle Billy to do that because they gave them a brake and they wanted them dead..


  1. I am not trying to finish fast it just that I don't know who to spell it

  2. yea i agree with u cuz he is a *****
