Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give your solutions for each.

I think that his gonna leave his wife because he is getting younger every year and she is getting older. She don't want to do nothing anymore but sleep and be old. If i was him i would do the same i would leave her and i would stay in contact with her for my son.

I think that in the next chapters he is gonna find a young girl that likes to party and hang out late and that likes to get in trouble. If i was him i would do it but i would take it easy because i wont want to get in trouble like in a big mess.

I think that in the next chapters Benjamin is going to move from his house to a different place or city. He is going to be a different man and when they asked who was his parents his gonna say something different. I would do that if i was him because if i told them tat my father is Roger there gonna know something. I wont want them to know that i was old and now I'm young


  1. those are some god reasons rey keep up the good work

  2. these reasons they mean

  3. nice reasons they are good i like them i should have used one of them

  4. I like your first reason but in the last one I dont think that he is going to move out because sence he is getting younger he is goint to look like a baby and he would need his parents to takecare of him =]
