Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers!!!!

I agreed that parents are the best teachers for many reason. Your dad could teach you about cars. Your mom could teach you about cooking and cleaning. They could teach you about marriage and life. Do you want to learn the cool stuff your dad and mom know?
Your dad could teach you about cars. If your car brakes down you will know what to do. You’ll learn how to change your brakes. You will learn about engines and what point is it. Dealers will pay you to paint there cars and fix them.
Your mom could teach you about cooking and cleaning. You could cook for her when she is tired and stressed out. when you have a wife you could cook for her. when ever you are hungry you could eat a good meal. Whenever is valentines you could make a dinner for your girl.
Your parents could teach you about marriage and life. They could talk to you about not to get married young. Your dad could talk to you about gangs. Not to hang with the wrong people. they could teach you about stuff that is hard in life like working to get a car. Life wont be that hard thanks to your parents.
In conclusion these are the three reason why parents are the best teachers. Your dad could teach you about cars. Your mom could teach you about cooking. They could teach you about life and marriage and how life is hard.For me I think that the parents are a good teacher because teachers give you good advices like your parents do. They teach you about stuff that other teachers don’t know.