Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast death's who/what would you blame & why?
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of poker Flat
-Bad luck

If i have to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths, The person that i blame for the outcasts death's is Uncle Billy. I blame him because he still the horses and half of the food. If he would off stayed with them they would off left before the storm came. When he left he should off took one horses with him so the others would leave to another place. See that's why i blame him, its his fault he didn't have to take the food and the horses, he should off stayed in the first place. Its his fault and he is the one to BLAME.... I think that he got them drunk so hey could pass out and when they did he would still the horses and leave. maybe the people of the town told Uncle Billy to do that because they gave them a brake and they wanted them dead..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an Hour
This story was a good one. She felt free because her husband that was controlling her died in a accident. I didn't like it because it was to short. i would like it to longer and to have more details. I liked it when she started saying "free, Free, free she was really happy that she wont have to deal with him. Kate in this story talked about freedom. She wanted to show her readers that ones in a time if you are getting controlled by a boyfriend one day you will be free and see the world like you never saw it. At the end her husband was still alive but she still had freedom because she died, she wont have to deal with him.

The blind Man
This story is really good i liked it but there was some stuff i didn't like about it. This story is about a man that was blind and was hungry and hot but he kept on selling led pencils so he could eat and drink something. People kept ignoring him because he was poor. They didn't care about him but when a guy that was rich got hit by two cars they all started to look at him and help him but they didn't help the blind man eat or drink something. What i didn't like about this story was that they let the old blind guy walk around being hungry and they didn't care but they did care when that rich guy got hit by a car. Kate talks about rich and poor and i agree with her. For a rich guy they do anything for them but when a regular or poor person needs help they don't help, they think they gonna get robbed.

Desirae's Baby
This story is about a baby that was left in the woods or forest, a lady found her and thougth that she was a gift of god. When she grew up she got married with this man and had a kid. The man thougth she was black and sent her away with her mom. I liked this story it was pretty good. I like how They guy found out he was black and he sent his wife with her mom. Kate talks about racism in this story. He had black slave leaving in his house. He was treating them like garbage and he didn't know that he was black too. There is still racism in life now, with whites, black, and Latinos. What i didn't like about this story was that he kick her out fast with out even checking if she was black. The other thing that i didn't like about this story was that he kicked her out with the baby, he didn't care about the baby because it was black.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment!!!

I couldn't believe it, they where young again. It was getting dark and they where getting younger. Every hour they go younger and younger. In the first hour they wanted more because they don't want wrinkles. The Second hour they started to make fun of old people like when they where old and doing they things they used to do. They didn't learn from there mistakes, They went back to the way they used to be. They started to figth over the Widow Wyclary. They where braking tables and braking vases, they even broke the water of youth. They went to the way they use to be. Mr. Medbrourme went back to being a hustler. Colonel Killigrew went to being a drunk, Mr. Gascoigen went to being a politic. And Widow went to being a loose women. They all turn like they use to be. I wont ever have the youth water in my hands never. By looking at them and how they acted i wont want to work with that......

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby The Sequal

He was surprise, he couldn't believe that he was a negro and that his mom was a negro. "She lived in Paris, she was not a slave, how can she be black". " I Am not black i am white, no letter is gonna tell me the true". He just send his wife and his baby out to her mothers house thinking she was black. He stud thinking and thinking for weeks until finally he decided to go see his dad and ask him. The next day he got to his dads house but he was not there. He went inside and saw that his dad let a letter saying " Dear son i left to Paris on a emergency ill be back soon love you and God bless you your father". "He left to Paris, Why?". " I need to talk to him". He decided to Head to Paris to talk to his dad.

He took a boat ride for hours until he reach his dads house. When he got there he saw a red car parked on the drive way. It looked like his moms old car. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door. When they opened the door it was his mom. "MOM, i thougth you where dead, dad told me you where dead". "I'm sorry son" "What happened". "We need to talk" "I am black, that's means your are black to" "I found a letter saying that mom" "I'm sorry that i lied to you" " I don't want to be black its a lie, why are you lien to me, I am white" They where talking and his mom told him that they came in and started looking for her, she said that someone told them that i was black. She had to leave for a little. He decided to be OK for being black but he didn't want no one to know. Desiree went to her mom and her mom told her that her husband dad passed by and told her everything. That his wife was black and that his son is have black, that they where looking for his wife to make her a slave so he had to go. "what, he thougth i was black and that's why he tru me out" "I'm sorry i didn't tell him" "its OK, i need to see him".

He went looking for his wife and found her in his house. He told her he was sorry and that he wanted to get back with her. He told her everything and she told them that she knows. They got married again. " Dear Diary i am so happy with my husband his just like before even better, like he knows that he is black he leave the slaves eat with us sleep down stairs and take showers, he even buys clothes for them. i love him and my new house"...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter would you do it, especially if you know the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? Use examples from the story

I would do it if i was not smart and i wanted to learn a lot just to see how it is. It wont be that bad you would experiences how it is and people would think your smart. Like him he felt good that he know stuff when they did the surgery on him. i would do it to see if i could stay smart so i could get a better job and finish school. Like him when he strated to get smart he found out that his friends where not his friends, they always made fun off him and know he knows. That's another reason why i would do it, to see if people really like me or they want to make fun off me. Even if i know its only for a few i will still do it to see how it would be to be really smart and know stuff you didn't.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 8- THE END

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explanation. Family, Age, Beauty.

This story talks about family. Not family that loves you no matter what. Is a different family. in the story the family that they are using is like a forced to be with that family. If they had a choice to leave Benjamin alone and die they would off done it. They didn't take care of him he did it him self. They didn't want to be with each other. They were forced to be with each other.

In the story age is different. When they were like the same age, Benjamin and his dad, they loved to go out but when he was older they didn't like each other. The same thing happened with him and his son. When he was older they were OK but when Benjamin was younger they didn't get a long. When ever you with some your age or like a couple of years older you get along with them. If they are really young you don't get along. You think they are to loud.

In the story they talked about Beauty. Benjamin loved his wife when he was old. she was the one who took him places and hang out. When he was young she was old people talk about them and he didn't want to be with her no more. Seines he was getting younger he was not liking his wife more and more. In the story Beauty was important to Benjamin because he was getting younger and his hormones wanted something younger not older.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give your solutions for each.

I think that his gonna leave his wife because he is getting younger every year and she is getting older. She don't want to do nothing anymore but sleep and be old. If i was him i would do the same i would leave her and i would stay in contact with her for my son.

I think that in the next chapters he is gonna find a young girl that likes to party and hang out late and that likes to get in trouble. If i was him i would do it but i would take it easy because i wont want to get in trouble like in a big mess.

I think that in the next chapters Benjamin is going to move from his house to a different place or city. He is going to be a different man and when they asked who was his parents his gonna say something different. I would do that if i was him because if i told them tat my father is Roger there gonna know something. I wont want them to know that i was old and now I'm young

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 2

Roger is so concerned with how Benjamin looks and us worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

He should be a man and tell them that he is his son. I think he should move out to like a diffrent state or a country to be a framer and nobody would see him or hear from him only his family. Then he should get close with him and do stuff that they both would like and bond. If they ask you if his your son and you have spend time with him you should say yea becasue he is good and is not his fault he was born like that. When they ask you you should say yea his my son.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in chapter 1?

If i was Roger in chapter 1 i would love him in the house but when we are in the streets i would act like if he was a friend or gram pa. Then i would cut the old man's hair or my son's hair and color his hair brown so he wont have grey hair. Then i would tell everyone that i applied to watch him for a couple of years. Then when he calls me father i would tell them that he lost his mind and he thinks I'm his dad that's why is easy to watch him... He would be a great son because he is trained but he is gonna have messed up bones and he wont be able to run fast or ride a bike. That's why i would make stuff up so they wont think his my son.

When you are up to bat!!

When you are up to bat
The world comes to a end
You feel scared and nervous
But you know you would hit it
All the people around you make you feel better
The crowed saying your name over and over
It makes you happy
The first ball comes in like a speeding bullet
You try to swing with all your might
The speeding ball was just too fast
Your hear them saying “strike”
Your stomach starts to rumble
You want to hit the ball so the one on third could come home
The second ball flies in
You swing with more force
That ball is flying over center field into the crowed
You cant believe it you made two runs
You feel good and happy
You won the game