Friday, February 27, 2009

What do I wish from Barack Obama?

What I want from Obama is to the End the Iraq War. They are fighting for a war that George W. Bush started to still oil. These men and women’s have family at home, they need to go back home and take care of them. It would be sad if they don’t make it home and there son or daughter grow up with out a mother or father. I read this story “it’s a true story” about this man that went to the war for 4 years and he had 3 daughters of 6,4,4. When he got back his daughters didn’t know who he was. That is really sad.
I have a cousin that is in the army. His been there for 4 years. He comes every year for Christmas to spend it with his family. When he comes he started talking about how they are fighting and how he saw his friend get his leg cut off by a bomb. That is crazy I don’t know how he could still go over there after all his been thru. They taught him how to fly a jet and how to work the guns. I think that is cool but is not worth being there for George W Bush.
I think that we should sent our troops home. They need to be with there kids and family. They are going to feel the pain when they leave for years and come back and there own kids that she or he saw when he left big and not knowing who they are. We should make George W Bush go fight and be away for years from his family so he could see what he stated and how our troops are fighting and killing there self’s for what he started. I think we should stated planning a plan to end the Iraq War. If we leave them alone they will leave us alone. SEND OUR TROOPS HOME!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event!!!!

The day my little brother was born changed my life. I was the only boy with 4 sister. I always had to do everything and i couldn't talk back to them. It was always boring, i had nothing to do. You need a brother or boy cousin to play sports but i had none of that. I only had my dad and he was always working and my gram pa. My gram pa cant do anything because he had surgery. i would always try to keep my self not bored so i would walk around, ride my bike but it didn't work.
Me and my cousin Niko always use to hang out but when he got a lady he always stood with her. Ill tell him lets go out to the races but he always says yea then he calls back and tells me that his lady wants to chill with him. Then one day my dad called me to the room and he told me I'm gonna have a little brother. i got so happy i yelled and went up stairs to tell my sisters. i couldn't believe it i was so happy. I was waiting for 13 years to have a little brother and it finally happened.
Every month i was waiting and waiting. for nine months i was waiting for my little brother to be born. My step mom started getting pain so we took her to the hospital. I was hoping that my little brother was OK. when the doctor told us that she was having the baby i got happy. 2 hours passed and then came my dad. He said we got are little man and i was happy. When i went to go see him he was sleeping. I gave him a kiss and left home. My little brother was born August 9, 2008 at 6:01 p.m his name is Miguel Armando Rivera.
I am very happy that my little brother was born. He is now 6 months about to be 7. He is always happy and laughing. Thanks to him my life changed. Now we are moving to Puerto Rico so we could start a new and better life with my little brother Miguelito..... If it wasn't for him i would be stuck at my house bored all day long looking for something to do but now his born and when he grows up I'm gonna teach him how to play baseball and the other things that i know.
I want to be a roll model to my little brother. Every time i come from school i go up to him and say whats up fat boy and he would started laughing. I'm still trying to learn how to change his diaper. i don't like doing that because is nasty i could only change the pi pi diaper lol. I love my little brother he means the world to me. I cant wait till his big so he could start walking and running. I hope he comes out loving cars like i do. Thanks to him he changed my life, not in a bad way in a really good way..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers!!!!

I agreed that parents are the best teachers for many reason. Your dad could teach you about cars. Your mom could teach you about cooking and cleaning. They could teach you about marriage and life. Do you want to learn the cool stuff your dad and mom know?
Your dad could teach you about cars. If your car brakes down you will know what to do. You’ll learn how to change your brakes. You will learn about engines and what point is it. Dealers will pay you to paint there cars and fix them.
Your mom could teach you about cooking and cleaning. You could cook for her when she is tired and stressed out. when you have a wife you could cook for her. when ever you are hungry you could eat a good meal. Whenever is valentines you could make a dinner for your girl.
Your parents could teach you about marriage and life. They could talk to you about not to get married young. Your dad could talk to you about gangs. Not to hang with the wrong people. they could teach you about stuff that is hard in life like working to get a car. Life wont be that hard thanks to your parents.
In conclusion these are the three reason why parents are the best teachers. Your dad could teach you about cars. Your mom could teach you about cooking. They could teach you about life and marriage and how life is hard.For me I think that the parents are a good teacher because teachers give you good advices like your parents do. They teach you about stuff that other teachers don’t know.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A skill everyone needs!!!!!

One skill a person should learn is math. This is why we need math to be successful. When you apply to a school you need to take a math test. If you have a job at a store you will need math to count the money and give the exact change back. When you are shopping and you only have 50 dollars you will need math to add the clothes before you play. If you don’t know how to use math you need to learn. Everyone needs math.
Imagine you don’t know math and you apply for a good school and you failed the test your not going to get in. you are going to go to a bad collage or you might not go to collage. If you don’t go to collage you are not going to have a education or a really good job that gives you enough money to pay the rent. This is why we need math to have a education and a good job.
Imagine you working at a store and you don't know math and you give a person more money then you needed to and the boss checks that money is missing your going to get fired or arrested. People are going to be looking at you and asking why you got arrested and there going to tell them because he or she don't know math. This is why we need math so we wont get arrested for you giving people more change.
When ever you are shopping and you don't know math and you go pay with out counting if you have enough money to buy it because you only have a $50 and they tell you is more then that. You are going to feel embarrass because you are going to have to leave something go. People are going to be looking at you saying they don't know math. This is why we need math so people wont say you don’t know math and you wont feel embarrass.
That’s why i think that everyone needs a skill of math to be successful in the world because you will always need math no matter were you are in school, house, store or your job. Math is easy you could learn by your parents or school telling you how to do it. If you know math you wont make this mistakes and you have a education. You won’t work at a store. You would have money to shop. This is why we need math to be successful in the world.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The best day i ever had was when i went to sixs flags for the first time i was 13. I went with my four sisters, my mom, my two brother in laws and my friend. I was so happy that i was going to sixs flags, i didn't sleep the whole night. when i finally fell a sleep it was 2:00 am in the morning. i woked up four hours later and still tired. it was 6:00 am and they where all getting ready to go. We where done at 7:30 am. When we left the house we stopped at Tony's to get ice and a little bit of food so we could eat when we get hungry. After that we went to the gas station to get gas before we get on the highway. it took us like 45 minutes to get to sixs flag. When we were about to get out the highway i saw a big roller coaster. My sisters told me that is the eagle, i was amazed. we had two cars full of people. when we got to the parking lot the other car was still paying so we went to get parking so we could park next to each other. There was no parking close so we had to go back to the 60. 60 was the last parking spot to the back so we found parking. we waited for the other car to come. when they got there we had water and started walking to the front. As soon as i walked in i saw the blue water and the flowers, it was really nice. the first ride that i got in was the wizard. that one was OK. the second one i got on was the viper. that one was a good ride, i wanted to get on it gen but we had to get on other ones. the other one i got on was the raging bull. That one looked a little scary. we stood in line to get on the front roll. when we were about to get on my mom was telling me not to but i wanted to. When the ride started i was nervous. the beginning was OK. we where hitting the big drop and we where on the front roll. i was in with my two brothers in law and my friend. when we went down on the big drop i put my hands in the air and yelled. After the drop it went true a tonell, i taught my hands were going to get cut of lol. that one was the best ride we came out with our eyes crying because of the wind hitting our eyes. we got in a lot more. At the end when we were walking to the car they asked me what ride i liked more and i told them the raging bull that one was the best. i told them when ever we come back i want to get on it like 20 times. they all started laughing. after we left the parking lot we went to eat stuffed pizza at this place down the street from sixs flags. After that we went home and started planing another day to go to sixs flags.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Haiku

This is the nature
of a wild tornado Storm
that happened before

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her smile

When i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something. She had a half smile but a worried face. when i went up to her she got nearvous. i told her what was wrong but she didn't want to say, so i left. she came with three other guys that i didn't invite to my party. later that nigth i saw that the guys were up stairs in my house. i looked at the girl smile and it looked like if she was up to something. i saw that the guys went up at 11:30, i stud waiting for 30 minutes and they still didn't come down so i decided to go up. the girl i knew so i tried to talk to her. "Hey Melissa how you doing" i told her. She didn't want to talk she just smile. it was 12: 30 and i called some of my guys that were in the back. "Carlos, mike and tom come hear". i told them that there some guys up stairs to come with me to see what was going on. when we where walking the girl gave me that smile and i stud looking at it. it was like if she hypnotise me but i didn't listen. we went up and half of ma stuff from my room was gone. the guys tired to run but we rand faster then them because we play baseball. we got the three guys and called the police, they came like 30 min later so we had to stay with them. when the cops came they took the three guys and gave me my stuff back. the girl escape so the cops went looking for her. a week later the cop said that they got some girls so i could see which one of the girl it was. i went down to the cop station and when i got there i saw this girl and when she smile i knew it was her, i couldn't forget that smile it was a nice but a sneaki smile.

25 things i want to do in my life

  1. i want to buy a car.
  2. i want to jump out a plane.
  3. i want to go to China.
  4. i want to become a baseball player.
  5. i want to have money.
  6. write a book
  7. take a long driving trip.
  8. see my family in Puerto Rico.
  9. see all 50 states.
  10. figth a monkey.
  11. go to the moon.
  12. learn how to talk Chinese
  13. meet J-lo
  14. have kids.
  15. get married
  16. get a job
  17. have my mom proud of me.
  18. help my dad and mom out.
  19. be a ninja for a day
  20. live till i be a 100
  21. get a tatto
  22. go see the wall of China
  23. go to collage
  24. have 3 kids
  25. do all this things!!!!!