152. Why do you think Elie Wiesel wrote this book?
I think he wrote this book so people could know what the Germans did to the Jews and how they where suffering.
153. Why do you think he chose Night as its title?
I think he chose the title Night because every day they had to fight for freedom and it always was a dark place.
154. How does Elie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.
He is a different person now. When he was leaving in his house he was running around acting like a kid but when they took him he got all serious and started not caring. He sometimes thought to leave his father so he could be stronger.
155. How does Elie Finally come to terms with his ordeal? {What does he finally do?}
He is free from the camps and deaths, and he let his father behind.
156. Give examples of issues in Night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?
People are getting killed like animals. They are getting raped and burned. Baby's are getting killed. I think we should send out the Army to stop it. Instead of having them in Iraq for no reason we should have them controlling and stopping the killings. We need to stop Genocide before more baby's and people die.. Just like Korea, people are dieing there 24/7 because of rules they had like the Jews. In Korea they killed baby's. they let them be sick just like Elie's Father and they made them work just like the Germans made the Jews work and suffered. They even used people for experiments. they did that to the Jews. The Koreans where tortured just like the Jews. Lady's are getting raped and killed like the lady Jews did. They don't let the Koreans leave out the state and in Germany the didn't leave them go out no where. We need to stop Genocide all over the whole world before it gets bigger.
In Georgia they have the same problems as the Jews did. People where getting murder by Russians. People are being force to leave there homes and get on trains or in back of trucks with nothing to cover them. The Russians are doing this because they said that Georgia committed Genocides on another country. They almost have the same problems that the Jews did. There getting send in to trains and getting forced to leave there homes just like what happened to the Jews. The people who died where buried in peoples back yard.
In Colombia they kill you if you steal there oils. They say that taking there oil is worst then killing there mothers. Just because of oil other people are suffering and dieing. Just like the Jews they are forced to stay in there homes and not come out. Who ever they see they get to shot them.
Cuba genocide. In Cuba people are locked up and can not leave there country. There are being held by the president. They cant go no where like the Jews Couldn't go out. If they see you out in the streets when you are not suppose to be out there they have orders to shot anyone who is out there. These are the same things that the Jews had when the Germans where in charged.
In Burma people are dieing from genocide. 130,000 people are locked in a camp because they tyred to escape Burma. People are being tortured and raped. There is diseases all around and people are dieing of that. The Jews had the same problem with disease and camps. Children of the age 8,6,5 and 2 years old are getting killed and pregnant Lady's too. Genocide is all over the world and its almost the same thing that happened to he Jews. We need to stop it right away.
the reflection questios on night
15 years ago
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